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Single Tooth Implant Surgery and Prosthetics
with Socket Grafting

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This course will allow you add dental implants to your practice immediately with basic implant placement into select sites. Socket grafting techniques and prosthetics will be covered to jump start your implant practice.





February 8-9, 2025- Ft. Lauderdale, FL
May 17-18, 2025 Orlando, FL

August 2-3, 2025- Orlando, FL

November 15-16, 2025- Ft. Lauderdale, FL



March 9-10, 2024- Ft. Lauderdale
April 27-28, 2024- Orlando, FL

August 24-25, 2024 - Ft. Lauderdale

November 2-3, 2024- Orlando, FL



February 11-12, 2023- Orlando, FL

March 18-19, 2023 - Ft. Lauderdale
May 20-21, 2023- Orlando, FL

August 26-27, 2023 - Ft. Lauderdale



February 5-6, 2022- Fort Lauderdale, FL

March 26-27,2022- Orlando, FL

June 11-12, 2022- Fort Lauderdale, FL

August 6-7, 2022 -Orlando, FL



July 24-25, 2021- Jacksonville, FL

August 28-29, 2021- Orlando, FL

September 18-19, 2021- Fort Lauderdale, FL


February 20-21, 2021- Fort Lauderdale, FL

March 13-14, 2021- Orlando, FL

April 3-4, 2021- Jacksonville, FL



September 26-27, 2020- Orlando, FL

October 10 and 11, 2020- Fort Lauderdale, FL



July 13 and 14, 2019- Seminole, Fl

July 27 and 28, 2019- Orlando, Fl

August 17 and 18, 2019- Ft Lauderdale, Fl



June 30 and July 1, 2018- Ft. Lauderdale, Fl

July 14 and 15, 2018- Orlando, Fl

August 25 and 26, 2018- Seminole, Fl (Near Tampa)



July 22 and 23, 2017 - Orlando, FL

August 5 and 6, 2017 - Seminole, FL

September 2 and 3, 2017 - Fort Lauderdale, FL




$1095 for 2-day training of Single-tooth Implant Surgery & Restoration of Dental Implants



CE Credits

16 credit hours


Implant Educators Academy
Nationally Approved PACE Program
Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.
Approval does not imply acceptance by
any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
06/01/2022 to 05/31/2024
Provider ID# 322389


Introduction to Oral Implantology 2 day Course


A brief history of Oral Implantology with emphasis on why we use the root form implant that is most commonly placed today.


Diagnosis and treatment planning.

What to look for in the medical and dental history and which cases are appropriate for dental implants


Socket grafting.

A predictable and very economical technique of socket grafting will be presented with a hands on workshop to prepare extraction sites for future implant placement.


Soft tissue considerations.

The effect of soft tissue on the surgical and restorative outcome will be discussed as well as possible preimplant soft tissue enhancement

 Incision design

Common incision designs related to single tooth implant placement will be discussed


Implant placement.

The steps necessary to ensure successful implant placement including bone management and why dental implant integrate will be discussed so that there will be a sufficient knowledge of bone healing for implant placement.


Surgical closure.

Various suturing methods will be discussed and when to use which to allow for uneventful healing.


When and how to uncover implants.

Guidelines wil be presented as to when to uncover and restore implants that are based on sound biological principles


Hands-on Workshops


1. Socket grafting workshop with models including bone graft, membranes and suturing will be done on models.


2. Implant positioning guide construction

A simple non-computer guided stent will be presented and fabricated by each student for areas of abundant bone and soft tissue.


3. Surgical implant placement on models

Step by Step surgical placement with be done by each student on jaw models to for learning implant placement.



Implant prosthetic treatment planning

Parts and pieces - clearing up the confusion.

A discussion of the nomenclature of Prosthetic Implant Dentistry to enhance communication between the various members of the implant team. This is crucial for members of the dental team including Assistants and various staff members


Abutment and material selection.

Various abutment types will be discussed including Stock, Custom and CAD/CAM abutments.


 Implant retained overdentures

The advantages and disadvantages of various types of overdentures will be discussed

Impressioning techniques.

The open tray, closed tray, Implant level, abutment level and prepped abutment techniques will be discussed and  taught with hands on exercises.



A brief discussion of temporization of implants.


How to avoid complications.

Avoiding and dealing with surgical and prosthetic complications related to dental implants.


Which cases to do and which to refer.

Knowing which cases to avoid is important to avoid problems. We will discuss when to refer of not treat patients with dental implants.


Hands-on Workshops

Implant impressioning

Open, closed tray, implant, abutment level and prepped abutment impressions will be taken on models.


Implant overdenture workshop

A pickup impression of a 2 locator overdenture will be made on a model. This simulates the procedure that is done chairside. Common mistakes and clinical tips to make the procedure go smoothly will be pointed out.

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